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After a detox cure

Oct 2, 2021

If you have had a number of intense detox days, you naturally want to feel fit and energetic afterwards. Building up after a juice cleanse is therefore of crucial importance. Your body has only received liquid nutrients for a few days and has worked hard to get rid of all waste.

Now that you start consuming solid foods again, your digestive system will have to get used to it again, so you don’t want to fall completely into your old diet right away.


We recommend avoiding caffeine, refined sugars and alcohol for the first few days. Try to eat high fiber and not too much salt.

With regard to the build-up of the amount of food, we generally recommend these portion sizes:


First build-up day 25%

Second build-up day 50%

Third build-up day 75%


  • To make it as easy as possible, we have put together an example menu structure:


Day 1


If you can, eat everything liquid today. If you really feel like a bite, make sure you chew super well and for a long time.

Start: Two glasses of lukewarm water, possibly with a slice of lemon in it.

Morning: Yogurt or a little oatmeal with cinnamon.

In between: possibly a small piece of fruit, apple / banana; vegetable or herb broth.

Lunch: Bowl of fresh vegetable soup with possibly a rice cake; a bowl of yogurt with a tablespoon of Budwig breakfast. Make sure you drink more than usual, about two liters a day of herbal tea and water.

In between: Smoothie, such as avocado with spinach, banana & mango.

Evening: Thick fresh vegetable soup (pumpkin soup/parsnip soup/tomato soup). Make sure you puree everything well. Or a fresh broth soup such as miso soup.


Second day


Start: Two glasses of lukewarm water, possibly with a slice of lemon in it.

Breakfast: Oatmeal porridge with fruits such as banana, cinnamon and seeds (e.g. chia seeds, flax seeds and seeds such as pumpkin, pine and sunflower seeds); yogurt with sugar-free granola and a teaspoon of soaked linseed; a rice cake with vegetable spread/hummus; light brown sandwich with hummus/apple syrup; Budwig Breakfast.

In between: Piece of fruit.

Lunch: Slowly add easily digestible proteins and legumes (vegetable). Salad (dark green) of olive oil, avocado and quinoa/rice; thick fresh vegetable soup; rice cakes with avocado; a slice of crispbread with 50 gr. cottage cheese and two teaspoons of honey; briefly cooked vegetables with a little rice; a brown sandwich with apple/pear syrup/date syrup.

In between: Smoothie; healthy snack eg slice of dried mango.

Evening: Now slowly add legumes again. Boiled/steamed vegetables with rice/quinoa and a potato (steamed/boiled); green salad with chickpeas; a little rice/potatoes with vegetables; sourdough sandwich with butter, tahini and stir-fried vegetables; a cup of thick fresh vegetable soup with a slice of crispbread with 50 gr. soft cheese.


Third day


Breakfast: Biogarde with some muesli from the natural store, piece of fruit; oatmeal; Budwig Breakfast. In between: A piece of fruit; handful of nuts; small portion of oatmeal with a piece of apple; few dates with walnuts; vegetable or herb broth.

Lunch: Raw food Platter consisting of lettuce, raw vegetables such as cucumber, tomato, radish, sprouts (cress, alfalfa, fenugreek seed, radish seed, etc.) Salad dressing made from a tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese diluted with water, a dash of lemon juice and herbs.

In between: Carrots; olives; smoothie; a handful of nuts.

Evening: Sourdough sandwich with butter, tahini and some raw vegetables with oil and vinegar; fresh whole-wheat pasta with pesto, broccoli, and marinated tofu; ratatouille with boiled potatoes and vegetarian balls. Slowly add some proteins, such as a boiled egg or an organic piece of chicken/turkey.


In addition to building food, we have also developed our juice cure so that people become more aware when they eat and thus also develop a regular diet. Also see how your body reacts to a certain meal, does it make you tired or does it give you energy? After all, you eat to get energy from it and to feel better. We recommend that you really taste, smell and enjoy everything you eat for the next few days. It is nice if you can see detoxing as a new beginning where you can implement a healthier diet during the build-up period.

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