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Living a healthy lifestyle

Jan 5, 2021
Combi Green Dream citroen munt

Is it possible to live too healthy?

Dr. Blend is the supporter of healthy living. What is a healthy living? Can you also live too healthy? How does this work and what consequences a healthy living can have?


  • What is a healthy lifestyle?

Health can be expressed in physical health and mental health. Physical health includes, for example, a healthy diet, sufficient exercise, a healthy BMI and a good basic condition. Mental health can be achieved, for example, through relaxation, pleasure in daily activities and social contacts. As you can see, these are broad concepts and ‘health’ is not easy to summarize.


  • Balance

A healthy lifestyle therefore differs from person to person. According to Dr. Blend which provides balance for a healthy lifestyle. Balance between body and mind, effort and relaxation and balance in nutrition. This balance is personal to everyone and the lifestyle that comes with it must suit you.


  • When do you live too healthy?

Healthy living is often accompanied by rules that you set for yourself. You will set daily, weekly and monthly goals and try to achieve them. Think of a sugar-free or vegan diet (daily goal) or lose a few kilos (monthly goal). When you achieve your goals you feel good and this gives you energy. Energy is therefore often the long-term goal.


If you notice that you start to feel tired and lifeless, it means that you are asking a lot of your body. Eating too little and exercising too much can be a physical cause of this. It is also possible that the rules you impose on yourself feel compulsive and cause stress consciously or unconsciously. And stress costs a lot of energy…


In this case, your ‘healthy lifestyle‘ is at the expense of your energy and therefore has the opposite effect. Your physical health and your mental health are declining. So you actually live too healthy.


It is very important in healthy living to keep listening to yourself. Pay close attention to how your body and mind react when adopting a new lifestyle. It is often a process of fitting and measuring. It can therefore certainly take a while before you have found your optimal healthy lifestyle!


  • 80/20 rule

A good tip for a correct balance is the 80/20 rule. Live your healthy lifestyle 80 percent of the time and let the strings relax the other 20 percent of the time. Healthy enjoyment is important!

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